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SoS: ICICI Bank Stop Lossed, DLF Put added


I’m getting out of ICICI Bank in the Short Only Strategy. It’s crossed the stop loss of 15% I had set.

The rest of the positions are still within the limits, but the performance sucks – a -6.56% return in a year is terrible. And I didn’t take advantage of the great fall, not quite as much as I should have. Even now, it’s tottering at the edge. There is a lot to learn; cycles can be vicious both on the upside and the downside!

Not giving it up of course; there will be more positions to build. DLF seems weak in the last few days, and there’s a chance this down move over the last few days will continue another 20 rupees. So in comes the 390 put at 13.45 – a small quantity on a very short term move (Expiry is 24 Sep).

Disclosure: No positions. Do not follow this strategy, it is not a recommendation. It’s an education, and primarily for me.


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