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The Nifty has a Flat May While Most Other Stocks Drop


The Nifty’s reached a stop point in May after an awesome April. It was flat for the month.
The Nifty has a Flat May While Most Other Stocks Drop
The whole month has been a bore for the Nifty, though the midcap and Next 50 indexes fell big time, over 4% in the month. If any of you are with mid- or small-caps, you will find that the market treats your portfolio very differently from the Nifty!
The Nifty has a Flat May While Most Other Stocks Drop
The Sensex is marginally better for the year.

The Nifty has a Flat May While Most Other Stocks Drop

The rest of the year is going to be quite volatile, it seems. With trade wars, elections and a truckload of interest rate changes around the world, we will have to complain of living in interesting times!


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